
While it is most common to think of blue topaz, the gem actually comes in a wide range of hues. In its natural state, topaz is typically colorless, though it can sometimes naturally display pale blue, golden brown, or yellow orange colors. The luscious hues that fill the market are often treated gems by either heat or radiation; a common practice that creates the desirable birthstone gems. The different types of topaz are categorized by color, however there are a few specific types that have broader names such as Imperial topaz or Sherry topaz, named after the sherry wine. There are many legends that surround topaz throughout history. For example, ancient Romans believed that it could provide protection from danger while traveling, while Englishmen thought that it could cure lunacy. In the Middle Ages, it was thought that attaching the gem to the left arm could protect the wearer from any curse and would ward off the evil eye while enhancing mental powers.
Nerd Stuff
- Birthstone Month: November, December, April
- Mineral Family: Nesosilicate
- Crystal System: Orthorhombic
- Chemical Formula: Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
- Hardness: 8
- Luster: Vitreous
- Transparency: Transparent to Translucent
- Color(s): Golden to reddish orange, pink
- Refractive Index: 1.606 to 1.638
- Specific Gravity: 3.49-3.57
Hippie Stuff
Metaphysical Properties
- Physical Benefits: Helps overcome eating disorders, regulates blood pressure, opens up respiratory system, boosts immune system, promotes restful sleep, aids in digestion, reduces inflammation.
- Psychological Benefits: Relieves stress and tension, boosts self-esteem and willpower, helps in overcoming addiction.
- Spiritual Benefits: Promotes spiritual awareness and awakening, shields from negativity and danger, boosts creativity, helpful in grounding.
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