Tiger Eye

Tiger’s eye, or tiger eye, is part of the mineral class chalcedony and features a golden to red-brown color and a silky luster. These gems are generally cut into cabochons to maximize the display of their natural chatoyance. It also likes to reside in tiger iron, which is composed of tiger eye, red jasper, and black hematite. This stone type is commonly used in jewelry making, beads, and even knife hilts. Roman soldiers historically wore engraved tiger’s eye to protect themselves in battle since it was commonly believed that the gem would ward off the evil eye and protect you from evil forces and negative energy.
Nerd Stuff
- Birthstone Month: June
- Mineral Family: Chalcedony
- Crystal System: Hexagonal
- Chemical Formula: SiO2
- Hardness: 6.5—7
- Luster: Silky
- Transparency: Opaque
- Color(s): Golden to red-brown
- Refractive Index: 1.54 to 1.55
- Specific Gravity: 2.64-2.71
Hippie Stuff
Metaphysical Properties
- Physical Benefits: Helps relieve eye problems such as glaucoma, alleviates digestive issues and speech problems, dissolves constrictions, helps heal broken bones and reproductive organs.
- Psychological Benefits: Boosts self-confidence, helps release anger, enhances mental clarity, helps strengthen and empower you.
- Spiritual Benefits: Brings good fortune and success, protects from negative energies and evil spirits, aids spiritual healing, helps with intuition and psychic abilities.
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