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This unique gem is a gift from nature in the combination of amethyst and citrine blending together to form a bi-colored display. The color zones present within ametrine are due to the different oxidation states of iron residing in the crystal formations. Ametrine came into the market in the 1970s when it was re-discovered in Bolivia. Legend has it that a Spanish conquistador came upon the ametrine mine in the 1600s when he gained the land after marrying princess Anahi. He allegedly sent several specimens to Queen Isabella of Spain, and then the mine was lost. After its re-discovery, the mine was named after the legendary princess Anahi, and ametrine has been a fairly popular gemstone since. Being a combination of gem types, it is thought to possess properties from both, promoting balance and connection. Ametrine is also believed to relieve tension, bring serenity and stimulate creativity, as well as balance mental stability and self-confidence.

Nerd Stuff

  • Birthstone Month: February and November
  • Mineral Family: Quartz
  • Composition: Silicon Dioxide
  • Chemical Formula: SiO2
  • Hardness: 7
  • Luster: Vitreous
  • Transparency: Transparent to Translucent
  • Color(s): Purple and yellow
  • Refractive Index: 1.543 to 1.554
  • Specific Gravity: 2.66

Hippie Stuff

Metaphysical Properties

  • Physical Benefits: Promotes balance, relieves tension.
  • Psychological Benefits: Brings mental stability, self-confidence, and stimulates creativity.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Brings serenity, balance, and connection.

Shopping for ametrine? Visit our Ametrine Page today!