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Tsavorite, otherwise known as tsavolite, is a variety of the grossular garnet group that displays a stunning green hue with a vitreous luster. It was first discovered in 1967 by Campbell R. Bridges in north-east Tanzania where he came upon a very large deposit in the mountains. In an attempt to mine and export the grossular mineral, the Tanzanian government denied the permits. Bridges believed the deposit to be so large, that it possibly extended into Kenya. He was correct, and successful in 1971 when he was granted the permit to mine. In 1974, Tiffany and Co. launched a marketing campaign that brought recognition to the bright green gem. Tsavorite has been thought to enhance fertility, bring strength and confidence, inspire cooperation, and be beneficial for the skin of the wearer.

Nerd Stuff

  • Birthstone Month: January
  • Mineral Family: Grossular
  • Crystal System: Cubic
  • Composition: Calcium-aluminium with vanadium or chromium
  • Chemical Formula: Ca3Al2Si3O12
  • Hardness: 7—7.5
  • Luster: Vitreous
  • Transparency: Translucent to Opaque
  • Color(s): Light to deep green
  • Refractive Index: 1.740
  • Specific Gravity: 3.60-3.68

Hippie Stuff

Metaphysical Properties

  • Physical Benefits: Helps cleanse digestive system and urinary system, improves circulation, boosts immune system and purifies blood.
  • Psychological Benefits: Improves focus and concentration, eases symptoms of PTSD, opens up mind for creativity, boosts self-confidence, stone of commitment, improves relationships.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Helps connect with higher self, improves intuition, attracts success and abundance, shields from negative energy, helps develop psychic abilities.

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