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Malaya Garnet

The Malaya garnet gets its name from the Swahili “malaia”, which means “outcast” or “out of family.” This is due to its unique color and mineral attributes that separates it from the typical deep red or violet red varieties. Malaya garnets have hues that range in pinkish orange, reddish orange, or yellowish orange and were first discovered in the 1960s in the Umba River Valley, which remains the primary source. The miners would cast aside these types of garnets since they didn’t fit into any categories that were purchased from buyers, thus giving them their title of outcast. It is believed that these garnets symbolize regeneration and resurrection and allow the wearer to regain lost energy.

Nerd Stuff

  • Birthstone Month: January
  • Mineral Family: Silicate
  • Crystal System: Cubic
  • Chemical Formula: (Mg,Mn)3Al2(SiO4)3
  • Hardness: 7—7.5
  • Luster: Vitreous
  • Transparency: Transparent to Opaque
  • Color(s): Pinkish orange, reddish orange, yellowish orange
  • Refractive Index: 1.760 to 1.780
  • Specific Gravity: 3.78-3.85

Hippie Stuff

Metaphysical Properties

  • Physical Benefits: Strengthens heart and liver, stimulates metabolism, increases sex drive.
  • Psychological Benefits: Provides courage and comfort, encourages kindness and nobility, stimulates enthusiasm and creativity.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Promotes success, attracts true love, purifies aura.

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